
Voices of Generation Z


Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) is characterized as “digital natives and also smartphone natives,” young people who have grown up with digital technology. Generation Z is 1/3 of the world’s population, and they are only 15% of the total population in Japan. Generation Z often values the idea that everyone is different. They will naturally influence and change the world in the future, especially in Japan, the island nation with a history of national isolation.

🔵 私の誕生日は1月10日であるが、同じ日に福沢諭吉がいる。福沢諭吉は、天は人の上に人を作らずとは、よく言ったもので、私は学校という括りですら成績という面で、上に304人いる。漬物で例えるならぬか漬けの下の方で忘れられたキュウリの断片ような物である。冷蔵庫の野菜室でいう芽の生えたジャガイモのようなものだ。しかし私という人間は、いっこうに芽が出ない。
日本人高校生BOY A(16歳)JUN. 23 ’23>

🔴 私にはとある趣味がある。その趣味は決してメジャーなものでは無いけれど、知った時からずっと魅せられていた。自分でも驚く程に、ずっと飽きずにその事について考えられる。こんな趣味を持っている私は幸せだと思う反面、一体この世界のどれ程の人が本当に好きな事を見つけらているのだろうとも思う。私はそれを始めてから、前より前向きに生きることが出来ているし、色々な物事に対して積極的に行動できるようになった。しかし、この趣味は人にはあまり言えない。馬鹿にされたりもするだろうし、信じない人もいるから。でも私は、今の自分が好きだし、誇りを持って生きている。大切なことってそういうことなのかもしれない。これを読んだあなたも、私も、自分の好きなことに正直に生きていければいいなと思う今日この頃である。
日本人高校生GIRL SANA(16歳)JUL. 12 ’23>


🔴 What is your future dream? My name is Maya. I am a 16 year old girl going into grade 11 next year (2024). Because I am going into grade 11 I have begun to think about what my future will look like. But I have also begun to dream about what my future could look like. A realistic expectation of my future would be to have a good paying job, a nice home and a nice family with nice neighbours. But what about what I dream about my future? When I don’t worry about a real future for myself I think about having an amazing job with amazing coworkers. This amazing job of mine pays me lots and I’m also very good at what I do. This job I dream of allows me to enjoy what I do and it also doesn’t have any cruel or mean people. My job would almost be like a hobby of mine so I don’t get bored. I dream about being a rich woman with a beautiful house and a wonderful husband and kids. In this dream I don’t have to worry about going broke or losing the people I love. If I were to dream even more my house would be big with lots of land and people to help me maintain it, I would have a beautiful boat, car, and pool. My maids and butlers would help me clean up around the house and they would all be treated greatly and be payed well. Do I dare to dream farther? Yes. An even bigger dream would be that my husband is like a prince, and I am like a princess. A prince and a princess that get married and live their best life. Unfortunately this can only be a dream, it will only ever be something that I think about when I close my eyes. But don’t be surprised if I do become a hot rich woman with a big house in a few years!
<カナダ人高校生GIRL MAYA(16歳)JUL. 20 ’23>

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日本人高校生GIRL SANA(16歳)JUL. 26 ’23>
