JCV 世界の子どもにワクチンを

 独力でワクチン接種を進められない国や地域では、先進国からの援助が不可欠です。この「JCV 世界の子どもにワクチンを」の取り組みに、E-MONOmonO Enterprises LLC. も参加し協力して行くことになりました。➡︎ ポリオ(小児麻痺)、結核(BCG)、はしか、風疹、おたふく風邪(MMR)、百日咳、ジフテリア、破傷風(DPT3種混合)


( 情報、写真:JCV提供 )

Assistance from developed countries is essential for countries and regions that cannot promote vaccination on their own. E-MONOmonO Enterprises LLC. also decided to participate and cooperate. ➡︎ Polio (children’s paralysis), Tuberculosis (BCG), Measles, Rubella, Mumps (MMR), Whooping cough, Diphtheria, and Tetanus (DPT combination) 

JCV is the only international cooperation organization in Japan that only provides “vaccine support” activities to save children from abroad from “infectious diseases”. This child vaccine support activity is carried out in cooperation with the United Nations UNICEF. Vaccines and related equipment given to supporting countries are purchased and transported through UNICEF, so they can be purchased at a low price and transported reliably. In addition, information is constantly exchanged with the local UNICEF in the supporting country, so you can get the latest activity information when you need it.

Myanmar, the People’s Republic of Laos, the Kingdom of Bhutan, and the Republic of Banuatu are currently supported by JCV. Every year, JCV continue to send vaccines without interruption, reliably, and continuously. Other emergency aid countries include the Republic of Tajikistan, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and the Republic of Madagascar. As other support leading to the future of children, JCV has so far carried out emergency support activities for children in the Myanmar Cyclone and the Great East Japan Earthquake.